
Vaping – Is it Safe?
Lifestyle |3 min read

Vaping – Is it Safe?

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking. Why is it so popular? Is it safe? Our blog gives you the answers to those questions and more.

How Excessive Drinking Can Affect Oral Health
Lifestyle |1 min read

How Excessive Drinking Can Affect Oral Health

There are plenty of health risks associated with drinking alcohol in excess, but one of the major health factors commonly overlooked when it comes to alcohol consumption is dental and oral health. While having a few glasses of red wine throughout the week may have a...

How to Use the Tooth Fairy as a Teaching Tool
Lifestyle |1 min read

How to Use the Tooth Fairy as a Teaching Tool

The Tooth Fairy is a fun tradition to carry onto your children, but the magical little lady is also a great way to introduce your children to better oral health habits and long-term dental practices. Here are a few suggestions for using the Tooth Fairy as a fun and...

Lifestyle |1 min read

4 Healthy Alternatives to Sugary Holiday Treats

There’s no doubt that the holidays are a tough time for those watching their weight, but the sugary indulgence of the holiday season can also present other concerns for another important element of your body: your teeth. Rather than reaching for those impulse...